According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 4.7 million dog bites occur each year in the United States, with 800,000 victims needing medical attention for the injuries. Being attacked and bitten by a dog can be a dangerous and terrifying experience. These bites can create medical conditions resulting in expensive hospital bills, lost income and pain and suffering.
If you are bitten, it is vital to seek medical attention immediately and consult with a professional dog bite attorney. Here are the top three serious health complications that can occur from dog bites and how you can legally protect yourself.
A dog’s mouth can contain a multitude of bacteria that can create life-threatening infections to humans. Common infections include rabies, sepsis, meningitis and endocarditis. These infections can lead to blood infections, abscesses and inflammation of the lining of the heart if left untreated.
A dog bite can create significant disfigurement, especially from a larger canine. Bones can fracture or break and small children can lose limbs. The most vulnerable body parts for a dog bite include the arms, legs, hands and feet. If the bite occurs on or near your face, you could become permanently disfigured.
Nerve and Muscle Damage
When a dog attacks, the first instinct can be to raise your arms and hands up to protect yourself or to kick with your feet. Underlying nerve and muscle damage can occur from a dog bite, even from small puncture marks. The strength of a dog’s jaw can crush nerves, without puncturing the skin. Surgery or physical therapy may be able to restore nerve function, but this damage can be permanent.
Georgia Dog Bite Legal Advice and Representation
Dog owners can be held legally responsible for any injuries caused to an adult or child. If you have been injured from a dog bite, an experienced attorney can help you receive compensation for your injury. Burnside Law Firm can investigate your case and provide strong legal representation to get you compensation for your losses. With over 30 years of experience, you can rely on a legal advocate by your side to fight for what you deserve. Request a free consultation today.
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