The holidays are a wonderful time in Georgia. The temperatures turn colder and the air is filled with joy and festivities. The holidays are also a time of increased injury. Here are some common holiday injuries, and ways to avoid them so you enjoy this time safely.
Icy Roads and Walkways
Even though most people do not associate Georgia with winter precipitation, even the deep south can experience ice and snow. Slippery conditions paired with inexperienced winter drivers can spell trouble. If inclement weather hits, avoid driving if possible. If you are forced to be out during bad weather, make sure you pay extra attention to drivers around you. Slow down and keep extra distance between the car in front of you. Walkways can also become hazardous, so wear proper footwear with gripping tread, and try to avoid distractions as much as possible so you can focus on the ground ahead of you.
Holiday Lighting Displays Can Spell Trouble
Holiday lights are beautiful, and they can make the season even more festive. But your chances of becoming injured increase if you install your own lighting. If you use a ladder to install lights, make sure you are never alone. Depend on someone to hold the ladder for you. Avoid installing lighting during inclement or windy weather. Check light strands for any frays or broken lights to protect yourself from becoming shocked by faulty cords.
Carry Packages with Care
The holidays are a time for gift-giving, which can lead to carrying heavy packages. Take care when lifting heavy boxes by using your legs to lift. If you have many packages to carry, make multiple trips instead of attempting to balance an unstable load. Most department stores are happy to carry heavy purchases to your car for you to keep you safe from injury. If you need help moving a large box from your car to your home, ask a neighbor or family member for help.
Be Aware of Fire Hazards
Holiday baking, meal preparation and scented candles all make the season brighter, but they can also spell disaster. Use care when preparing your holiday feast by keeping the kitchen clear of tripping hazards, and asking guests to avoid the stove while food is being prepared. Make sure scented candles are places where they will not be in contact with flammable materials or small hands that could tip them over.
By following the above tips, your holiday can be festive and accident-free. If you are injured in a holiday accident through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact Burnside Law Firm today to schedule a consultation.
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