With the arrival of warm weather, many people are heading to the water to escape the fears of the current coronavirus situation. Boating is a great way to avoid crowds and get some much needed time in the outdoors. If you are a boater, chances are you take care to follow all the necessary safety precautions, but what if another boater isn’t so cautious?
Causes of Boating Accidents
According to the US Coast Guard, there are ten top causes of boating accidents:
- Operator Inattention – distractions from weather, other boats in the area or passengers on their boat
- Improper Lookout – Boaters should have a lookout on board who watches for threats on the water
- Operator Inexperience – an inexperienced operator poses a danger to himself and others on the water
- Excessive speed – just as this poses a danger on the roads, a speeding boat can result in collisions
- Alcohol use – alcohol can impair a boat operator and lead to accidents
- Machinery Failure – failure to properly maintain the craft can lead to failure of systems
- Navigational Rules Violations – failure to learn the rules of the water can cause accidents
- Hazardous Waters – Sudden changes in water due to weather or other factors
- Weather – this is sometimes difficult to predict, but responsible boaters should check weather forecasts before heading out onto the water
- Force of Waves – wakes follow the track of a moving boat. This water disturbance can cause accidents and injuries.
Just like accidents on the road, boating accidents can cause great injury. The difference is the danger that the water itself poses. If someone is injured and is thrown from the boat, the risk of drowning increases. One of the most important ways you can avoid a boating accident is to ensure you are following safety protocols. If you are a passenger in a boat, and you notice the operator is being reckless, don’t be afraid to speak up and voice your concerns. If necessary, ask to be taken back to the safety of shore.
If you are responsibly operating your craft and are involved in a crash with another boat, and suffer injuries as a result, it is important to seek reliable counsel to protect your rights. Contact us at Burnside Law Firm, LLP to schedule a consultation and discuss whether or not you are entitled to compensation related to your injuries. We are here to serve you and get you the help you need.
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