Catastrophic accidents can leave victims with serious and life-changing injuries. In many instances, another party or entity may hold responsibility for any losses or damages incurred. Knowing your rights and how to find support is important.
When injuries prevent you from working or fully enjoying life, you may be able to seek compensation. Any money that you win can help with medical costs, loss of earnings and other financial hardships. An experienced lawyer in Augusta, Georgia, can offer support and representation.
Car Crashes
A crash involving cars or other vehicles can end in tragedy. Injuries and fatalities leave individuals and families devastated. Victims may need extensive treatment that is costly. The added burden of not working can put further strain on income.
Workplace Injuries
Workplaces like construction sites and warehouses are potentially dangerous. However, you can suffer injuries in any industry. If the owners or management of the business are proven negligent, you may pursue compensation through legal channels.
Trips & Falls
Trips and falls are common accidents that result in injuries. Uneven walking surfaces, curled up rugs and other obstructions can cause this type of accident. Identifying the responsible party may prove difficult, depending on where the trip and fall occurred.
Sports Injuries
Most athletes accept that there is a risk of injury when participating in certain sports. With that said, organizers are obligated to ensure reasonable safety measures are in place. If you think that your sports accident was avoidable, consult with a GA attorney.
Medical Malpractice
When receiving medical treatment, you expect a high level of care. Unfortunately, medical professionals can make mistakes. Devices used to administer treatment or medicine may have defects. The result is patients suffering avoidable injuries.
Maritime Accidents
Having fun on the water is a popular summer pastime. However, reckless behavior or inadequate safety measures can lead to accidents. Serious injuries may result from collisions or incidents that happen onboard. You can seek advice and support from an experienced lawyer in Augusta.
Call Burnside Law Firm today for an initial free consultation to discuss your catastrophic accident. We understand the impact of your injuries and will help in any way we can.
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