Given the sheer weight and size of an 18 wheeler or semi truck, along with the distance required to make a safe, effective stop, it’s no wonder that a large majority of commercial truck crashes involving these mega-ton vehicles result in devastating injuries or death. Thus,if you have been involved in a collision with an 18-wheeler, and you are reading this, you are fortunate to be alive. Yet, it’s likely that you’ve suffered substantial injuries that will require ongoing medical care, and you might even be out of work as a result.
Consider the following facts, based on a recent data analysis (December 2017) provided by the United States Department of Transportation’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS):
- On average, trucks weigh 20-30 times as much as passenger cars, and are taller with greater ground clearance, which may result in smaller vehicles riding under the trucks during a crash.
- Loaded tractor-trailer trucks require 20-40 percent more space than cars to stop, and this is greatly affected by the condition of the truck’s brakes, not to mention road conditions.
- Drivers of large trucks are allowed by federal hours of service regulations to drive up to 11 hours at a stretch, though many are reported to work longer than they are permitted.
Given the high incidence of truck-related accidents and deaths, it’s important to understand your rights, particularly when you believe that negligence is to blame. This is because trucking and insurance companies employ large legal teams when it comes to disputing claims. Thus, the only way to effectively seek the damages and compensation that you deserve is to obtain the legal guidance and protection of a qualified and experienced truck accident attorney.
Tradition Of Excellence And Successful Representation For Truck Accident Victims
The team at Burnside Law Firm, LLP continues its tradition of excellence with successful representation for truck accident victims and families throughout Atlanta, Augusta and Athens. We work tirelessly on your behalf, taking into account every detail and maximizing the value of your case. You can be sure—we will explore every legal option to help you put your life back together.
To speak with an experienced personal injury attorney at Burnside Law Firm, call today.
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