Even if we do all the right things for ourselves and our families, it is a fact of life that we may have to approach a medical professional to treat an ailment. Eating a balanced diet, exercising and taking care of our mental health (although absolutely essential for a healthy lifestyle) unfortunately does not prevent us becoming unwell due to an illness or accident.
It can therefore be heartbreaking to discover that you or a member of your family may have been the victim of medical malpractice. The devastation of losing that trusting relationship with the medical profession, and the pain of watching a loved one suffer unnecessarily, can be very traumatic.
Coping with Medical Malpractice
It would be easy to assume that medical malpractice only relates to issues following a surgical procedure, such as surgical instruments being left in the body, operating on the wrong body part or damage to organs during surgery.
While it is true that these are serious issues that can cause increased medical bills, an extended recovery time or even death, medical malpractice can take more subtle forms. For example, if you feel that your doctor could have done more to detect or treat your illness, you may have a case for medical malpractice.
If your doctor misdiagnosed or failed to diagnose your condition, ignored your symptoms or concerns or failed to order appropriate tests based on your symptoms, you may benefit from legal guidance from Burnside Law Firm.
Burnside Law Firm
You may feel that your concerns around medical malpractice due to misdiagnosis may be hard to establish, but that is where our specialist legal team is here to help you. We can examine your medical records and any hospital procedures for any errors or irregularities in your treatment. We will also consult with experts in the field to determine if different care would have produced a better outcome for you.
Remember, your initial consultation is free, so contact Burnside Law Firm, with offices in Augusta and Atlanta, Georgia, today and get the advice you need.
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