Drunk driving accounts for more than a third of all fatalities on our roads in the United States and more than half of the fatalities by lack of seat belts. Those statistics can increase dramatically when combined with a major holiday, making it more dangerous for the impaired driver and those in their way.
Safest Holidays for Driving
You may be surprised to learn that Christmas Day is one of the safest holidays on which to travel. Most people are home with their families and friends and have already reached their destinations, no longer traveling.
Deadliest Travel Holidays
Outside of New Years’ Eve, the deadliest holidays on the roads are those in the summer. Memorial Day, Labor Day and the 4th of July are at the top of the list when it comes to dangerous travel, mainly because these days are associated with great weather and fun parties.
2021 Holiday Travel Season
Just because the most dangerous travel holidays are during the summer doesn’t mean that the holiday season isn’t also dangerous. Drivers should be cautious when driving and be safe when choosing to drive if they’ve been drinking.
Holiday Timing
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day fell on a Friday and Saturday in 2021. New Years’ Eve and New Years’ Day as well. Because of this, many people had a three-day weekend or were already expecting to have a good time. This increased the number of drivers on the roads and can also increase the number of impaired drivers after drinking.
More Families Traveling
In 2020, many families didn’t celebrate the holidays in person due to the pandemic. This year, it’s safe to say that many more were excited to make up for that lost holiday by traveling farther to meet with family and friends. Once again, this puts more drivers on the road and increases accidents.
New Years’ Eve
New Years’ Eve is always at the top of the list for the deadliest holidays for drivers. It is a holiday associated with partying well into the night, and, for many, the partying includes a few drinks. NYE routinely sees drunk driving fatalities as more than double compared to other holidays.
What to Do After an Accident
Whether you’ve been involved in a drunk driving accident on a major holiday or any other day, it’s essential to know what steps to take first. Then, contact the Burnside Law Firm at 706-432-8320 for a free case evaluation.
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