You go to work to earn a living. The goal is to look after yourself or your family. Nobody expects to suffer serious injuries on the job. However, it does happen. In 2019, more than 78,000 non-fatal injuries occurred in Georgia. For many, these accidents or illnesses resulted in permanent disability.
Getting injured at work can launch a serious and consequential chain of events. You could lose the ability to fulfill your role, or face not being able to go back to work at all. This is a life-changing event. Earnings, personal well-being and relationships can suffer as the result of workplace injuries.
Limited Mobility
Many injuries result in limited mobility. If you hurt a limb, your neck or back, moving around can become difficult. You may lose the ability to lift heavy objects or operate machinery. An employer should make reasonable accommodations, but this becomes challenging when your job requires strong physical attributes.
Your injuries may slow you down or make aspects of your role impossible to fulfill. Any limitations from an injury can put your job at risk. It is also essential to consider that future employability is impacted by injuries that result in long-term disabilities.
Paralysis & Working
Partial paralysis is not an unusual outcome in work related accidents. If you are unable to move one or more limbs, it could impact your ability to remain productive. An employer can reduce your workload, provide alternative hours or move you to a more suitable role.
If becoming paralyzed leaves you unable to work, your ability to earn an income is compromised. You may find more suitable work but there is no guarantee of earning what you did before the accident. In these cases, many individuals seek compensation.
Free Accident Compensation Consultation
If you need an accident consultation to explore your legal options, reach out to Burnside Law Firm in Georgia. We offer a free initial appointment to most potential clients. Call our offices for advice, guidance or representation.
Burnside Law Firm is committed to treating our clients with care and compassion. Pick up the phone and reach out today.
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