While motorcycle accidents have seen a decline (both state wide and nationally) over the past few years, one thing remains certain—in the event of an accident, motorcyclists are nearly 30 times more likely to die than those traveling in automobiles. Furthermore, there are several contributing factors that heighten one’s risk of becoming seriously hurt or killed on a motorcycle. The Governors Highway Safety Association lists the following: weather, helmet use, impaired riding, speed and unendorsed or uninsured riders. In regards to helmet usage, Georgia is one of 28 states that requires only some motorcyclists to wear a helmet.
Because those riding a motorcycle are not in an enclosed space, the types of injuries sustained can be severe. Some of these include:
- Broken Bones (breaks to the forearms and lower leg are most common)
- Head Injuries (including Traumatic Brain Injury)
- Spinal Cord Injuries (may result in loss of sensation or paralysis)
- Facial Injuries (may cause blindness)
- Road Rash
Without question, the above-mentioned injuries could require extensive medical treatment, surgery or life-long assistance. Injured individuals might be out of work for a long time, or perhaps permanently. What’s more, at any given point, these injuries could turn fatal. Meanwhile, insurance companies can be difficult to work with, as they often deny claims and press for a quick settlement. That’s why it is imperative to contact an experienced motorcycle injury attorney if you or someone you love has been hurt or killed in a serious motorcycle accident in Atlanta or surrounding community.
Call The Experienced Motorcycle Injury Attorneys At Burnside Law Firm Today
The team at Burnside Law Firm places a high value on client commitment, and will fight to ensure that your rights are protected. Don’t let a devastating event such as a motorcycle crash ruin your financial future. In a no-cost, no-obligation consultation, we’ll review the details of your case to help you get started. Call today!
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