Georgia motorcycle riders enjoy a sense of freedom while driving on the many scenic lengths of highway and roads. While there are many safe motorcycle drivers out there on the roads, there are a significant number of motorcycle accidents that occur in the state of Georgia each year. In general, a motorcycle rider has a 34 times higher chance of death in a crash than in other types of vehicles. In 2016, Georgia had 172 motorcycle crash fatalities, with 90% of those having worn helmets.
Even with personal safety precautions, when motorcycle accidents happen, riders are far more exposed and less protected than they’d be in other vehicles. With almost 204,000 motorcycles registered in the state of Georgia, motorcycles must share the roads with much larger vehicles that need to respect vulnerable riders’ space with care.
Dangers for Motorcyclists in Georgia
In a collision, motorcycle riders are always at higher risk for serious injury or death, so Georgia law aims to protect their right of way. The Georgia DMV Motorcycle Handbook lists the dangers that motorcycle drivers face on the road, including the concerns of being passed by a larger vehicle. The handbook lists other perils to watch for, most involving the actions of other drivers, such as:
- Being nudged by a passing car or truck
- Sideswipe by other vehicles
- Motorcycle falling on its driver in a topple or crash
- Oncoming traffic collision
- Being crowded off the road and sometimes hitting obstacles
- Other vehicle side mirrors could nick the motorcycle, causing instability
- Avoiding trash thrown out of another vehicle window
Motorcyclists in Georgia must know how to stay safe on the road, as well as what to do if they are involved in a terrible accident, especially one that proves catastrophic to them. Georgia motorcycle riders need an attorney who understands personal injury laws in Georgia to make sure their rights are respected. The Burnside Law Firm will discover all damages you are entitled to and fight for your due compensation so you and your family can focus on your physical, emotional and financial recovery. Call today for a free consultation to see what we might be able to do for you.
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