People go to the doctor when they need medical assistance. They expect to feel better and to have positive results from a doctor’s visit, prescription medication, or medical procedure – yet that is not always the case. While most medical professionals, doctors, nurses, etc., provide relatively good medical care, there are some who fail to live up to the “standard of care” required by their professions. Medical malpractice is a true concern in the United States, with a recent study conducted by the Institute of Medicine of the National academy of Sciences, approximately 98,000 people are killed every year due to medical malpractice.
Serious injury with long-term effects can result from all manner of medical mistakes committed by doctors, nurses, or other medical professionals that you turn to for help. Burnside Law Firm has given exceptional representation to people in medical malpractice claims related to:
- Birth Injuries
- Failure to Detect and Treat Infections
- Hospital Acquired Infection and Disease
- IV Infiltration/Burns
- Medical Abandonment
- Medical Malpractice – Generally
- Medication Errors
- Misdiagnosis or Failure to Diagnose
- Pharmacy and Prescription Errors
- Physician’s Failure to Communicate Test Results
- Pituitary Tumor Surgery
- Surgical Errors and Complications
- Testicular Torsion
- Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery
Medical professionals are protected under their own laws as no one in the medical field can guarantee successful treatment. However, he or she must live up to a professional standard of care to their patients. If you feel that your provider has failed to adhere to this standard and you or a loved one has suffered injury or loss of health, contact the law office of Burnside Law Firm in Augusta, Georgia today.
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