As the weather gets warmer and days become brighter, drivers need to take greater care on the roads of Georgia. There are additional hazards to worry about that could lead to a serious accident. Changing habits now will help drivers stay safe and also protect other road users.
Sun Glare
When driving, it is important to use visors to block out glare from the sun. It only takes one flash of strong sunlight to momentarily blind a driver, which is a common cause of traffic accidents. Whenever possible, driving before sunrise and after sunset is recommended. Drivers can also use routes that are sheltered by tall buildings or in the opposite direction of the sun to avoid glare. When the sun is low on the horizon, extra space should be given to other drivers.
Strong Haze
Haze from the sun is an unavoidable hazard when driving in Georgia daylight hours. Drivers should try to schedule road trips early in the morning or during early evening to avoid adverse conditions. When haze is affecting vision or perception, maintaining an extra distance from other vehicles is a good practice. Clean windows will also help improve visibility when there is a perceptible haze on Georgia roads.
When a vehicle is parked, the interior can heat up really quickly in the sun. Parking in shade and running air conditioning before departing will help mitigate this problem. Drivers should always take water along to rehydrate when driving in hot conditions. It is also vital that drivers recognize when alertness levels are impacted by the heat of the sun.
If you have suffered injuries in an accident during warmer conditions, the other driver may have been compromised by weather-related hazards. Call the offices of Burnside Law Firm today for a free initial consultation to discuss your case.
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